The Best Time to Start a Prenatal Yoga Practice
Exercising While Pregnant Everyone agrees that staying active and exercising while pregnant is the best way to maintain a woman’s health and fitness and prepare her for the often strenuous and challenging rigors of childbirth, but starting a prenatal exercise program...Postnatal Exercise Precautions [Diastasis Recti / Abdominal Separation]
Diastasis Recti is the separation of the Rectus Abdominis muscles (also known as the 6 pack muscles). It is very important that a postpartum woman not do any abdominal exercises until she has checked her rectus abdominis muscles for diastasis!
If she strengthens the muscles too much while they are separated they may not come back together effectively.
Why practice Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga?
Vinyasa yoga is the linking of body movement and breath, and more than that, it is the continuous movement of energy through the body. The movement of the body and the breath are one, connected, continuously flowing and synchronized. When a practitioner learns to link their breath and movement they create an energy which powerfully connects them to their own being.