Prenatal Yoga

Keep active during pregnancy, and prepare your body for childbirth and postpartum recovery.
You’re on a journey towards childbirth: are you prepared for everything that lies ahead?
Whether you’re a yoga veteran in search of an active yoga routine, or you’re new to yoga, Jennifer More’s Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga gives you all the tools to make your journey the best it can be. Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga is your support system throughout, leading to the potential for a more comfortable pregnancy, a quicker and less painful labor, and a speedier postpartum recovery. You do not need to take this journey alone; Jennifer is with you every step of the way.
Yoga Designed With You In Mind
Your pregnancy is a special time in your life, so why would you choose something other than a special style of prenatal yoga? Jennifer More developed Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga during her own pregnancy when she realized that all styles of prenatal yoga offered at the time could not adequately prepare her physically and mentally for labor. She wanted a yoga practice that specifically served the needs of the pregnant woman: one that vigorously prepares women for the marathon event of childbirth, while helping women discover their power and inner strength needed during this transformative period in their lives.
Jennifer More found these empowering and strengthening qualities in the soft flow of Vinyasa Yoga. She adapts Vinyasa Yoga for the unique needs of pregnant women, providing a system that works with your body without sacrificing the intensity that you need to prepare for childbirth. By learning to link your breath and movements in a constant flow, you’ll greatly increase your ability to work with your body during labor and childbirth, encouraging a faster and more enjoyable birth experience.
How Can Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga Change Your Life?
In her experience attending nearly 450 births as a doula, Jennifer More has witnessed the powerful impact that Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga can have on a pregnant woman’s health, wellbeing and confidence. The strengthening that occurs in your yoga practice prepares the necessary muscles for labor and childbirth, often resulting in shorter labor, less pain, and fewer interventions, including a decrease in the need for Cesarean sections.
Pregnancy is a transformative milestone in your life, and Jennifer More can guide you the entire way through her Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga system. You’ll get accustomed to using your breath while your muscles are working and contracting, which will help you stay more comfortable and relaxed during labor. Practicing Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga gives you access to the confidence you need during your journey into motherhood, and help you discover your own inner power and strength.
Listen To Your Body
Jennifer More’s Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga system give you many ways to listen to what your body is telling you. The program is designed to be accessible to pregnant women at any stage, from the minute you find out you’re pregnant right up until you give birth. Her Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga features modifications for each trimester, allowing you to not only find a level of intensity that agrees with your body, but also address the changes occurring every day. Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga will empower you to have a connected, strong, and healthy pregnancy, and the best possible transition into motherhood.
Yoga for Pregnancy blog series
Yoga for Pregnancy | Half moon pose at the wall
Benefits of the Half moon pose at the wall: Hip opener. Great balancing pose for the uterus, as the ligaments get a rest one side at a time.
Yoga for Pregnancy | Legs-up-the-wall Pose
Benefits of Legs-up-the-wall pose: Helps with edema or swelling of the legs and feet. May aid low back pain. Great for relaxation.
Yoga for Pregnancy | Goddess Pose
Benefits of the Goddess Pose: Leg strengthener. Hip opener
Yoga for Pregnancy | Happy Baby
Benefits of Happy Baby: Great hip opener. Great release for the low back.
Yoga for Pregnancy | Supported Reclined Bound Angle
Great for hip opening. Helps baby engage in the pelvis. Stretches groin and psoas muscles. A nice alternative for savasana.
Yoga for Pregnancy
Being pregnant is an amazing time in your life and doing yoga while pregnant can help you feel strong, healthy, and empowered as you move into motherhood.
Yoga for Pregnancy | Cat Pose & Cat Cow
One of the best poses for moving baby into a favorable position for birth or keeping baby in a favorable position. Releases back tension. Increases spine flexibility and strength. One of the best poses to do daily!
Yoga for Pregnancy | Pigeon Pose
Benefits of Pigeon Pose: One of the best poses for sciatica. Hip opening. Releases tension in lower back and buttocks. Stretches groin and psoas muscles
Yoga for Pregnancy | Tree Pose
Stay balanced in an ever changing body. Helps women find their center of gravity so they feel less clumsy. Improves posture. Alleviates back pain
Upcoming Prenatal Yoga Teacher Trainings

Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga Certification Course Online
85 Hour Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Study online and learn to teach prenatal yoga and postnatal yoga with 60 hours of pre-recorded video lessons and 25 hours of live, interactive meetings with Jennifer More. This certification course is offered in 2 parts: Part 1...
Prenatal Yoga Videos
Practice Prenatal Vinyasa and Postnatal Vinyasa Yoga in the comfort of your home. Available in DVD and download formats.
Trainings and Workshops
Prenatal Yoga and Doula trainings are held throughout the year, all over the world. Check our schedule for course and location details.
Dolphin Circle
Find a prenatal yoga teacher or doula in your part of the world. Our teachers and doulas go through rigorous and comprehensive trainings.