The Dolphin Method Blog
Dolphin Method Doula Training and Certification Course
Online Doula Training taught over 3 weekends, beginning May 6, 2022. Click for full schedule and course details.
Yoga for Pregnancy | Half moon pose at the wall
Benefits of the Half moon pose at the wall: Hip opener. Great balancing pose for the uterus, as the ligaments get a rest one side at a time.
Yoga for Pregnancy | Legs-up-the-wall Pose
Benefits of Legs-up-the-wall pose: Helps with edema or swelling of the legs and feet. May aid low back pain. Great for relaxation.
Yoga for Pregnancy | Goddess Pose
Benefits of the Goddess Pose: Leg strengthener. Hip opener
Yoga for Pregnancy | Happy Baby
Benefits of Happy Baby: Great hip opener. Great release for the low back.
Yoga for Pregnancy | Supported Reclined Bound Angle
Great for hip opening. Helps baby engage in the pelvis. Stretches groin and psoas muscles. A nice alternative for savasana.
Pregnancy Fears: How I Birthed a New Attitude
As I slogged through my first trimester, battling a mix of nausea, exhaustion or acne/rash at all moments, everyone told me ‘hang on ‘til the second trimester; it all gets better.’ By the time I hit week 14 and nothing was better, I was sure it was just a b.s. phrase...
The Best Time to Start a Prenatal Yoga Practice
Exercising While Pregnant Everyone agrees that staying active and exercising while pregnant is the best way to maintain a woman’s health and fitness and prepare her for the often strenuous and challenging rigors of childbirth, but starting a prenatal exercise program...
Postnatal Exercise Precautions [Diastasis Recti / Abdominal Separation]
Diastasis Recti is the separation of the Rectus Abdominis muscles (also known as the 6 pack muscles). It is very important that a postpartum woman not do any abdominal exercises until she has checked her rectus abdominis muscles for diastasis!
If she strengthens the muscles too much while they are separated they may not come back together effectively.
Why practice Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga?
Vinyasa yoga is the linking of body movement and breath, and more than that, it is the continuous movement of energy through the body. The movement of the body and the breath are one, connected, continuously flowing and synchronized. When a practitioner learns to link their breath and movement they create an energy which powerfully connects them to their own being.
Relieve Tail bone (coccyx) Pain During Pregnancy
Q: Any suggestions for relieving tail bone pain? My coccyx curves sideways and is really acting up now that I am pregnant. A: Tailbone pain unfortunately is not uncommon. There are several things that can help to ease it. Sitting on a birth or exercise ball can be...
Women who practice yoga during pregnancy may have a lower risk of preterm labor
From: Magazine – Oct/Nov 2005 Women who practice yoga during pregnancy may have a lower risk of preterm labor, according to research in Bangalore, India. This preliminary study of 335 women compared expectant moms who did yoga for an hour per day with...
Prenatal Yoga Advice: What should I be aware of or not do?
Is there anything in prenatal yoga you need to beware of or not do? There are many styles of prenatal yoga just as there are many styles of regular yoga. Not every style is suited to every body. People who were very active or practiced more vigorous styles of yoga...
Prenatal Yoga can shorten the length of your labor and increase quality of your birth experience!
In my work as a doula and a prenatal yoga instructor over the last 10 years, 450 births, and thousands of prenatal yoga students, I have noticed a trend. Most women who regularly practice prenatal yoga, have faster and less painful birth experiences. Of course there...
Yoga for Pregnancy
Being pregnant is an amazing time in your life and doing yoga while pregnant can help you feel strong, healthy, and empowered as you move into motherhood.
Yoga for Pregnancy | Cat Pose & Cat Cow
One of the best poses for moving baby into a favorable position for birth or keeping baby in a favorable position. Releases back tension. Increases spine flexibility and strength. One of the best poses to do daily!
Yoga for Pregnancy | Pigeon Pose
Benefits of Pigeon Pose: One of the best poses for sciatica. Hip opening. Releases tension in lower back and buttocks. Stretches groin and psoas muscles
Yoga for Pregnancy | Tree Pose
Stay balanced in an ever changing body. Helps women find their center of gravity so they feel less clumsy. Improves posture. Alleviates back pain
Cat Pose – Ideal for pregnant women practicing prenatal yoga
One of the best poses for pregnant women is the cat pose or cat-cow. This pose is done by placing the hands and knees on the ground, hands directly under the shoulders and knees and feet hip width apart. As you inhale lift the head up gazing up to the ceiling....
Pushing During Labor: The harder you push the longer it takes? Directed Vs. Spontaneous Pushing
When most people think about the pushing phase of labor what comes to mind is a woman laying on her back with her legs in stirrups and the nurses, coaches and doctors telling her to hold her breath and push as hard as she can as they count 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…10 three...
Resuming Your Yoga Practice After You Have Your Baby
Every woman is different and when she can return to her yoga practice is based on individual factors. Before returning to any exercise or yoga practice she must first get the "ok" from her doctor or midwife. Most healthcare practitioners will want the woman to have...
Important questions to ask your prospective Doula: The Doula Interview
Making the choice to have a doula is one few people ever regret. The birth of your baby is one of the most important events in your life and one you will remember forever. Having a knowledgeable person present to support you every step of the way mentally, physically, and emotionally, is invaluable for you and takes a world of pressure off of your partner.
How to Enjoy Your Hospital Birth!!!
3 Easy Steps to Enjoying Your Hospital Birth!
If there were one thing I would tell all women who are delivering their babies at a hospital it would be that knowing how to communicate with the staff will have the biggest impact on the satisfaction of your birth experience. Many women spend a large part of their pregnancies figuring out what they want and don’t want their hospital birth experience to be like.
The Last Minute Doula: Preventing C-Sections 1 mom at a time
It was one of those crazy twists of fate that Julie called me at 38 weeks pregnant and hired me to be her doula. She had attended one of my Meet the Doula Nights, she said, a few months ago and had been putting off hiring a doula because she wasn’t sure she needed one. As the due date approached, however, she began to feel like she wanted someone there…
Embrace Childbirth: Labor is not some”thing” that happens TO you
She knows the time is nearing, she can sense that these twinges of pain are different from the ones she has experienced over the last few months. With every sensation she tenses and concentrates, waiting for the moment she will begin to experience “it”. She knows “it’s” coming, she’s heard all about “it” from her friends and family and she knows she can’t stop “it”.
Important Tips for Pregnant Women Practicing Prenatal Yoga
Although prenatal yoga is a safe form of pregnancy exercise for pregnant women, every woman’s body is different and requires attention and awareness during any exercise to ensure the body’s well being. Please obtain permission from your doctor, midwife or health...
Prenatal Yoga & Birth in Colombia
Had someone told me a few years ago that I would be traveling to South America a couple times a year to train yoga teachers to work with pregnant women and teach doula trainings, I would have thought they were crazy.
Interview with LullaBelly founder Adrianne Godart
Please tell us about Lullabelly… I was a practicing licensed massage therapist, and a majority of my practice focused on prenatal massage. Of course, music is a very important part of massage therapy as it’s used to help people relax during their massage. As fate had...
Start the New Year with a healthy mind & body for you and your baby!
Choose to make healthy choices for you and your baby by including Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga into your New Years Resolution! Now that the gift giving and parties of 2010 are coming to a close, your attention can turn from the needs and desires of your family and friends, back to your own health and happiness as well as the needs of your body and your baby….