Women’s Yoga Workshop
Jennifer More
Date: November 8-11, 2019 (4 days)
Location: Chengdu, China
或延期Beck Yoga 任何培训(限推后两期)
名额可转让或延期Beck Yoga任何培训(限推后两期)
Yoga for Women - Exploring Yoga from the Female Perspective
Yoga for Women – Exploring Yoga from the Female Perspective
As a woman, yoga can be a powerful and remarkable tool for connecting with and understanding your body. Join Jennifer for an informative and illuminating workshop as she explores yoga from the female perspective.
作为一名女性,瑜伽可以是强大而非凡的工具,帮助你去连接与理解你的身 体。Jennifer老师从女性的角度探索瑜伽,她的女性工作坊信息满满且闪耀 着启迪之光。
This course is open to yoga teachers and experienced practitioners*, who are interested in learning more about their bodies in relation to yoga, and for teachers who want to better support their female yoga practitioners.
这一课程面向瑜伽教师、有经验的练习者*,想从瑜伽层面去更深入了解自 己身体的同学以及希望更好的在自己的课上去支持女性练习者的瑜伽教师们。
In this comprehensive workshop, we explore a full range of expression that women yoga practitioners experience throughout various important stages of their lives.
在这个综合性的工作坊中,我们将在各个方向探索女性瑜伽练习者在她们整 个生命中每个重要阶段的不同体验。
We will explore how a woman’s body changes throughout her life and how we can support that change through her yoga practice. There will also be a focused discussion on the female pelvic floor, an area that is generally ignored in most yoga teaching but is very important for maintaining the integrity of the body as women age, and abdominal muscle separation, commonly seen in postpartum women. This workshop also dives into how yoga can be utilized during pregnancy when a woman’s body is going through many changes as well as the postpartum period when she will need to embrace her body in a whole new way.
我们将探索一名女性的身体在她的一生中是如何变化的,以及我们如何通过 瑜伽练习来支持这种改变。也将会针对女性骨盆底肌重点讨论,这一领域在 大多瑜伽教学中通常被忽视,但这对于随着女性年龄增长而保持身体的健全 性是非常重要的,同时,腹直肌分离在产后女性中也普遍存在。在这次工作 坊上也将探讨如何在怀期练习瑜伽,当一个女人的身体经历了许多变化以及 产后时期,她需要用一种全新的方式拥抱她的身体。
This course will be a combination of lecture and practice, as well as a question and answer period each day. Students will receive an informational manual to support what they are learning in the workshop. Students will also receive a certificate of completion.
这次课程将会结合理论和练习,同时每天也有问题解答环节。我们会为学生 颁发手册,手册会为他们在工作坊上学习的内容有所支持。我们也会为同学 们颁发结课证书。
*This course is intended for Yoga Teachers, but experienced yoga practitioners are welcome to join with the understanding that there will not be time given to teach basic yoga techniques or philosophy.
*这一课程供瑜伽老师参加,但也同样欢迎有经验的瑜伽练习者参加,但在 这次培训中不会涵盖基础瑜伽技法或哲学。
Topics covered in this workshop are: 工作坊涵盖的主题包括:
Prenatal Yoga** – 60% of the workshop
•Modifications for each of the 3 trimesters or pregnancy
•Modifications for pregnant students attending regular Blow yoga classes •Being responsible with your pregnant students
•Pregnancy anatomy
•Warning signs and precautions for teaching pregnant students •Different levels/different bodies
•Pregnancy exercise myths vs facts
•Optimal fetal Positioning
•孕期分娩学 •教授孕妇的注意事项和预防措施
**This prenatal segment is intended to familiarize students with the basic concepts and precautions of prenatal yoga and offer an understanding of how to begin to modify yoga for the pregnant body. The goal of this segment is for students to feel comfortable working with a pregnant woman if she attends your regular yoga classes, or learn how to modify your own practice. It is not intended, nor could it be possible, for students to gain a full understanding of prenatal yoga in the same way that is taught in-depth during a 10 day teacher training.
**孕期部分的⽬目的是让学⽣生熟悉产前瑜伽的基本概念和注意事项,并了了解如 何开始为怀孕的身体做出瑜伽变体。这个课程的⽬目的是使学⽣生在有孕妇参加 到你的常规瑜伽课程感到舒适和⾃自信,或为你个⼈人的练习做出变体。这个课 程设置的初衷与10天的教师培训不不同,⽽而且学⽣生也不不可能获得与10天深度孕 期瑜伽教师培训课程同样的理理解。
Postnatal Yoga – 20% of the workshop
•Physiology of the postnatal body and how to work with it in yoga
•Precautions and modifications for the postnatal woman
•Determining when it is safe for postpartum women to do abdominal work
•Integrating postnatal women into regular vinyasa classes
•Yoga modifications for women who’ve had a cesarean birth
•How to heal the stomach muscles after giving birth (even years after having a baby)
•Information about healing and the differences between a vaginal birth and a Cesarean
•产后女性的预防措施和体式变体 •判断对产后女性来说,何时开始做腹部练习是安全的 •如何将产后女性纳入到常规流动课程之上
Yoga during Menstruation – approx. 20% of the workshop
•Adjusting yoga practice for women’s monthly cycles •Poses to avoid during your cycle
•The phases of the menstrual cycle •Understanding the uterus
•Emotional well-being during your cycle •Enjoying your menstrual cycle
•在月经期应避免的体式 •生理周期的不同阶段
•了解子宫 •月经期的情绪健康