Therapeutic Healing and Women’s Yoga Workshop


Jennifer More & Michelle Cordero : 女性 & 理疗瑜伽工作坊

Date: August 23-28,2019 (6 days)
Location: Qingdao, China

2019年8月23日 — 8月28日(共6天)

上午 9:00-12:00
下午 13:30-17:00

HOPE YOGA·极地艺术空间


Therapeutic Healing and Women's Yoga

Therapeutic Healing and Women’s Yoga

Jennifer More & Michelle Cordero

Eligible for Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credits

In this informative and energetic workshop, Jennifer More and Michelle Cordero weave together their expertise to the benefit of all yoga practitioners and teachers. This workshop intensive addresses the needs of the female yoga practitioner at all major stages of a women’s experience; from Menstruation to Fertility and Prenatal, Postnatal, and Menopause stages. Students will learn to incorporate therapeutic techniques and a variety of specific asanas and modifications to practice during all of these stages, as well as addressing any injuries or other limitations they may be experiencing. Yoga teachers will learn valuable techniques to bring to all of their classes as they look to support their own students while Practitioners will gain the knowledge to modify their own practice, as needed, without relying on a yoga teacher who may not know everything about their own bodies.

This workshop will be a combination of lecture and practice. Students will receive informational handouts to support what they are learning in the workshop. Students will also receive a certificate of completion.

This workshop is open to yoga teachers and experienced practitioners, who are interested in learning more about their bodies in relation to yoga, and for teachers who want to better support their yoga practitioners.

Therapeutic Healing Yoga


Therapeutic Yoga is an effective practice for those recovering from or wanting to prevent injury or illness. This workshop combines yoga postures, breath-work, anatomy, hands-on healing, and guided meditation techniques in such a way that it is an excellent choice for reducing stress and bringing the body into balance. It provides the opportunity to learn about yourself in a new way and discover your best options for healing.

Therapeutic posture adjustment for the practitioner

  • The same postures look different on each person depending on bone structure, anatomy and/or injury.  Find out how the pose should look first and then feel it in your body.  By finding your correct alignment, you will increase the therapeutic benefits of your yoga practice.   Learn to assess what your body needs and how to heal it with yoga.
  • Maintain the health of your spine and core through individualized daily yoga practice and changing habits that aren’t serving you.
  • Finding the right practice for your body can be challenging.  Using core abdominals, strength building exercises and flexibility tests develop your own short sequence for your body’s optimal benefit.

Preventing and healing shoulder and knee injuries

  • In this workshop we will consider some of the most common injuries from yoga and how to prevent them.  Certain poses and repetitive motion leads to injury and overuse.  Shoulders, knees and pelvis/SI are all at risk in common yoga practices.

Therapeutic touch workshop

  • We will use a yin/restorative practice in combination with craniosacral therapy techniques to develop your awareness of the subtle body and to connect to your inner intelligence.  As you learn to relax the body, the mind relaxes so that you can actually feel first-hand the power of more quiet practices of yoga. Beneath the typical thought patterns and through the body’s language of sensation lives our inner wisdom… a place that knows what’s right for you and how to live healthily.

Detox Flow

  • Using yogic energy practices and heat building with twists, inversions and backbends feel the power and healing of an intentional detoxifying practice.

Support your Private Students

Assess an individual and meet them where they are, physically and mentally

•Guide beginners into a fulfilling and long-term practice

Create exciting, healing, and even challenging private classes

Yoga for Women – Exploring Yoga from the Female Perspective

As a woman, yoga can be a powerful and remarkable tool for connecting with and understanding your body.

We explore a full range of expression that women yoga practitioners experience throughout various important stages of their lives. We begin by exploring alignment specific to a woman’s body, and how to modify the traditional yoga alignment that was created for the male body. We will also explore how a woman’s body changes throughout her life and how we can support that change through her yoga practice. There will also be a focused discussion on the female pelvic floor; an area that is generally ignored in most yoga teaching but is very important for maintaining the integrity of the body as women age. This workshop also dives into how yoga can be utilized during pregnancy when a woman’s body is going through many changes as well as the postpartum period when she will need to embrace her body in a whole new way. 

Prenatal Yoga**

  • Modifications for each of the 3 trimesters or pregnancy
  • Modifications for pregnant students attending regular flow yoga classes
  • Being responsible with your pregnant students
  • Pregnancy anatomy
  • Warning signs and precautions for teaching pregnant students
  • Different levels/different bodies
  • Pregnancy exercise myths vs facts
  • Optimal fetal Positioning

**This prenatal segment is intended to familiarize students with the basic concepts and precautions of prenatal yoga and offer an understanding of how to begin to modify yoga for the pregnant body. The goal of this segment is for students to feel comfortable working with a pregnant woman if she attends your regular yoga classes, or learn how to modify your own practice. It is not intended, nor could it be possible, for students to gain a full understanding of prenatal yoga in the same way that is taught in-depth during a 10 day teacher training.

Postnatal Yoga

  • Physiology of the postnatal body and how to work with it in yoga
  • Precautions and modifications for the postnatal woman
  • Determining when it is safe for postpartum women to do abdominal work
  • Integrating postnatal women into regular vinyasa classes
  • Yoga modifications for women who’ve had a cesarean birth
  • How to heal the stomach muscles after giving birth (even years after having a baby)
  • Information about healing and the differences between a vaginal birth and a Cesarean

Yoga for Preparing the Womb

  • Increase blood flow to your reproductive areas
  • Mind body focus and positive intention
  • Yoga poses to manage stress and promote relaxation
  • Lifestyle choices and their impact on the ability to get pregnant
  • Sequence for preparing the womb

Yoga during Menstruation

  • Adjusting yoga practice for women’s monthly cycles
  • Poses to avoid during your cycle
  • The phases of the menstrual cycle
  • Understanding the uterus
  • Emotional well-being during your cycle
  • Enjoying your menstrual cycle

Yoga during Menopause

  • Working with a woman’s body as she ages
  • Understanding the stages of menopause and physiological changes
  • Understanding the mental and emotional symptoms of menopause
  • Sequence for menopause
  • Beneficial poses and poses to avoid for hot flashes, anxiety, fatigue, mood, memory loss, or insomnia

Yoga for Women

  • Modifying traditional alignment for women’s bodies
  • Exploring the mind body connection in your yoga practice
  • The Female Pelvic Floor
  • Exploring positive sensations on your yoga mat
  • The Psoas in yoga
  • Working with your body and not against it
  • Honoring your body’s process
  • Celebrating and supporting women

Jennifer More&Michelle Cordero : 女性&理疗瑜伽工作坊

官方订阅号 厚朴瑜伽HopeYoga 9月7日


而作为一名女性,瑜伽可以说是强大而非凡的工具,能够帮助你去连接并很好地理解你的身体。本次厚朴瑜伽将携手两位世界著名女性导师——Jennifer More&Michelle Cordero,带来一次具有指导意义并可能对你未来的发展产生深远影响的学习机会——女性与理疗瑜伽工作坊,目前线上报名人数一再突破,想学习的小伙伴不要错失良机!


在这个信息丰富、充满活力的6天工作坊中,Jennifer More和Michelle Cordero将她们的专业知识交汇在一起,让所有的瑜伽练习者和瑜伽老师受益。












• 针对女性的身体改变传统正位

• 在你的瑜伽练习中探索身体与意识的连结

• 女性骨盆底肌

• 在你的瑜伽垫上探索积极感官

• 瑜伽中的腰肌

• 与身体合作而不是对抗

• 尊重你身体的进程

• 赞美并支持女性


• 调节女性生理周期的瑜伽练习

• 在月经期应避免的体式

• 生理周期的不同阶段

• 了解子宫

• 月经期的情绪健康

• 享受你的月经期


• 增加流向生殖区域的血流量

• 通过瑜伽体式管理压力和促进放松

• 生活方式的选择及其对怀孕能力的影响

• 备孕序列


• 针对三个孕期的变体,孕妇参加常规流动课程时的变体采用

• 孕期分娩学

• 教授孕妇的注意事项和预防措施

• 孕期练习的流言VS事实

• 最佳胎位调整


• 产后身体的生理机能以及如何在瑜伽练习中应用它

• 判断对产后女性来说,何时开始做腹部练习是安全的

• 针对对剖腹产女性瑜伽变体

• 如何在产后(甚至多年之后)修复腹部肌肉



• 了解更年期的阶段和生理变化

• 了解更年期精神和情绪症状。

• 更年期序列,有益的体式,和由于潮热,焦虑,疲劳,情绪,记忆丧失,或失眠症状而应避免的体式 




• 同样的体式因人而异,这取决于骨骼结构、解剖学和/或过往损伤。寻求体式应该看起来的样子并在你的身体中感受它。通过找到你的正位,你将提高瑜伽练习的理疗效果。学会评估你身体的需求,以及如何用瑜伽来治愈你的身体。

• 通过私人定制化的日常瑜伽练习和改变固有习惯以保持脊椎和核心的健康。

• 寻找最适合你身体的练习是很有挑战性的。通过使用核心、构建力量和柔韧性测试,为每一个身体打造最适合的练习序列。


• 探索一些常见的瑜伽损伤以及如何预防。

• 哪些体式和重复动作会导致受伤和过度使用。

• 如何预防肩膀,膝盖和骨盆/骶髂关节在日常瑜伽练习中都有受伤的危险。


• 在身体和心理层面去评估学生身体。有针对性的指导私教长期系统性的进行练习。








Jennifer More






Jennifer的DVD系列《产前流瑜伽》,是目前美国最畅销且评分最高的产前瑜伽DVD,被《纽约时报》、《Fit Pregnancy》和《Pregnancy》等杂志多次着重报道。Jennifer在过去的二十多年中曾追随包括瑜伽大师道格·斯文森在内的多位瑜伽导师习练。




Michelle Cordero




Michelle将20余年的瑜伽、舞蹈以及塑身经验融合于瑜伽课程之上。她毕业于全美最负盛名的三个瑜伽教师培训: Maty Ezraty 与Lisa Walford教授的最原汁原味的Yogaworks教师培训课程,Ana Forrest瑜伽教师培训,Shiva Rea流瑜伽工作坊。Michelle作为首席培训师以及合作共同创始人在从2013年开始了 Stellarflow RYT200 教师培训课程。她被评为2018年旧金山最受欢迎的瑜伽老师。


她在2002年遇到了Ana Forrest, 被Ana  Forrest的风格所深深激发,完成了严格的要求并成为了一名注册Forrest Yoga教师。她进日被Ana Forrest邀请,即将成为一名Ana Forrest培训上的“护卫“,她将持续在全美Ana Forrest工作坊、教师培训课程上担任首席助教。米歇尔非常致力于高质量的教学,并不断发展她的实践,她很享受在米尔恩学院随Hugh Milne 一起研究颅骶骨放松术。


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2019年8月23日 — 8月28日(共6天)

上午    9:00-12:00

下午  13:30-17:00


HOPE YOGA·极地艺术空间




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A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
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Thank you, Jennifer

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