85 hrs  / 8.5 days Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (Yoga Alliance RPYT) with Jennifer More assisted by Wang He.


January 2-10, 2017


Fine Yoga, Beijing CBD
培训地点: 北京CBD地区


Register before December 1, 2016, ¥8300
Register after December 1, 2016, ¥8800
¥8800 ,提前一个月报名 ¥8300

Registration Info:

Please call 139 1176 7529 / 010 8599 9566 to sign up, or email: info@FineYoga.com



客服:建勇 153-1393-9919   (可直接添加微信)
客服:小慧 132- 6913 -8081 (可直接添加微信)
客服:若瑜  187-0112-0622  (可直接添加微信)
客服:程杰  188-1001-8454  (可直接添加微信)
客服:小萍 187-0112-0611   (可直接添加微信)
客服:小贺 187-2778-0856   (可直接添加微信)


或者发邮件到 info@fineyoga.com 也可到留言本提问.

中国建设银行 北京市永安支行  ,户名:向百年,卡号:622 2800 0102 4103 4482
中国工商银行 北京市东方梅地亚支行 , 户名:向百年,卡号:621 5590 2000 0817 9640
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微信支付号:136 9159 9258(若选择微信支付,请添加此微信号直接支付)
支付宝账号:1033262825@qq.com 户名:向百年



Training begins in:










Jennifer More 拥有超过 18 年的瑜伽教学经验,参加过超过 450 次分娩,作为导乐协助女性分娩超过一万小时。Jennifer的DVD——产前流瑜伽,是目前美国最畅销且评分最高的产前瑜伽DVD。此外,Jennifer 也是一名有执业证书的临床催眠治疗师以及分娩教育家。她通过自己丰富的阅历,创造了独特而强大的产前瑜伽教师培训。

王贺是梵音瑜伽FineYoga的优秀产前瑜伽教师,教授梵音瑜伽FineYoga日常的孕妇课程,也是极受梵音FineYoga会员欢迎的哈他瑜伽教练。她将协助Jennifer教学。王贺已经完成了 Jennifer 之前的五次培训。她也是中国首位瑜伽联盟注册孕妇瑜伽教练,将分享自己关于在中国和大多是分娩社团教授产前瑜伽的独特经验。






产前流瑜伽 ~ 体位和流
·超越产前瑜伽体式 ~ 分娩防松技巧



c:太棒了!所有的瑜伽教练都应该来参与和体验。我会向学员们,教练们和妈妈们强烈推荐你的课程, 网站和DVD。我只是想再次感谢您,这是一个非常了不起的教练培训经历。我从来没有想到这个培训课程会如此富有启发,赋予力量和变革。很兴奋可以和您一起分享!




Learn to teach Prenatal Yoga, and guide pregnant women through the journey of pregnancy, while preparing them physically and mentally for the powerful transition of childbirth and motherhood.

For Yoga teachers

This course is intended to teach Yoga instructors to safely guide their pregnant students through all three trimesters of a healthy and active prenatal yoga class, as well as address the needs of the postnatal student.  Teachers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the unique needs of their pregnant and postnatal yoga practitioners.

Prenatal Yoga Teacher Certification

Every student who successfully completes this Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga training will be awarded a certificate documenting that they have completed the strict yoga and childbirth education requirements and are eligible to teach Prenatal Yoga.

Yoga Alliance

All current Yoga Alliance members who complete this training are eligible for the RPYT (Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher) designation from the Yoga Alliance
See below for Yoga Alliance requirements

Experience and Expertise

Jennifer More has been teaching yoga for 18 years and has attended over 450 births,totaling more than 10,000 hours assisting women in childbirth, as a doula. Jennifer’s DVD, Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga is currently the best selling and highest rated Prenatal Yoga DVD in The United States. In addition, she is a certified clinical hypnotherapist, and a childbirth educator.It is withthis breadth of experience that she hascreated a unique and powerful prenatal yoga teacher training. Jennifer has witnessed the powerful impact that Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga can have on a pregnant woman’s health, well-being, confidence and postpartum recovery.

Safe and Effective Yoga Practice and Teacher Training

In her Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga trainings, Jennifer adapts Vinyasa Yoga for the needs of pregnant women, providing a system that works with the pregnant body without sacrificing the intensity that you need to prepare for childbirth. This unique approach to prenatal yoga gives pregnant women the opportunity to safely remain active and challenged in their vinyasa practice. The strengthening that occurs in this Prenatal Yoga practice prepares the necessary muscles for labor and childbirth, often resulting in shorter labor, less pain, and fewer interventions, including a decrease in the need for Cesarean sections. Learning to link breath and movements in a constant flow greatly increases the ability for women to work with their bodies, increasing the likelihood of a more natural and joyous birth experience.

More than just Prenatal Yoga

This prenatal yoga teacher training is unique in that Jennifer’s vast childbirth experience gives her the ability to teach much more than just prenatal yoga. Jennifer integrates techniques to allow women to get in touch with their bodies and the sensations they feel. These techniques are immensely powerful in labor to help change the fearful negative perception many women have about birth. She trains teachers to help women find their strength and power while surrendering and focusing during yoga. Jennifer’s Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training, as highlighted in past student testimonies, is a powerful experience for the teachers themselves; some have even said the best training they have ever taken! While addressing the empowerment of prenatal women, it’s only logical that self-empowerment also happens throughout the group; many students undergo their own personal breakthroughs. Jennifer believes that Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga can be the catalyst for a positive and life changing experience of birth and beyond.

Additional Teaching Staff

Wang He, Fine Yoga’s own skilled prenatal yoga teacher, who isconducting Fine Yoga’s weekly prenatal Yoga classes, will join Jennifer. Wang He has completed 5 of Jennifer’s previous trainings in China, in addition to the labor assistant/doula training. She will be sharing her unique experiences about teaching prenatal yoga in China, and the birth community at large. Wang He is also the first Yoga Alliance RPYT registered teacher in China. Fine Yoga employs only experienced and knowledgeable translators who have yoga experience and are well versed in the medical terminology present in such a training, contributing to a seamless learning experience.

Support Your Community

Make a real difference in the quality of childbirth and pregnancy in your community. Students who complete this teacher training will be inspired and prepared to work with pregnant women and their families and guide them through a challenging, safe and effective prenatal yoga practice.

Support Yourself

In addition to learning how to teach prenatal yoga, many students join this course to learn about their own bodies and pregnancies. Most courses will have pregnant students enrolled. If your are planning to take this course while pregnant, please be aware of the following:

  • In order to receive a certification, you must be present for the duration of the course. You do not need to participate in all of the activity, but you should be in the room observing.
  • You must be responsible for your own well-being, and eat and rest as you need.
  • Please make sure that you are under the care of a Doctor or other health care professional.

Prenatal Yoga in China

Jennifer More and Fine Yoga offered one of the first major Prenatal Yoga teacher trainings in Mainland China. Jennifer has taught 5 Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga teacher trainings in China,training hundreds of students in this powerful style. Students will benefit not only from her deep level of knowledge, but also her experience teaching Chinese students in China.

Comprehensive Course Materials

Each Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga teacher-training student is supplied with a well-researched and written 116-page manual available in English or Chinese, and a 2 DVD set of Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga translated to Chinese. These materials will be a valuable resource in the time following the training.

Well Rounded Prenatal Yoga Education

Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga ~ Asana and Flow

  • Prenatal variations and alternatives
  • Teaching Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga
  • Teaching Gentle Prenatal Yoga
  • Poses that pregnant students should avoid
  • Pregnancy precautions and warning signs
  • Being responsible with your pregnant students
  • Modifications for pregnant students attending regular flow yoga classes
  • Different levels/different bodies
  • Class sequencing
  • Modifications for each of the 3 trimesters
  • Yoga for common pregnancy discomforts
  • Psoas in motion
  • Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic teaching

Intro to Childbirth Education

  • Understanding the pregnant body
  • Understanding prenatal procedures and complications that your students will be experiencing
  • Stages and phases of labor
  • Common pregnancy discomforts, health concerns, and precautions
  • Warning signs of prenatal health issues
  • Pregnancy exercise myths vs facts
  • Keeping pregnant women safe and working with the medical community


  • Understanding the pelvis and pelvic floor muscles as they relate to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum
  • Fetal position variations
  • How to achieve and maintain optimal baby positioning
  • Muscle release techniques
  • Labor Anatomy, understanding labor and childbirth

Partner Yoga

  • Prenatal partner yoga and adjustments
  • Yoga and massage during Labor
  • Beyond prenatal yoga asana ~ Relaxation techniques for childbirth

Postnatal Yoga

  • Postnatal precautions
  • Postnatal asana and flow
  • Diastasis recti identification and treatment
  • Yoga after cesarean birth or other medical interventions
  • Teaching mixed pre and postnatal classes

Yoga Alliance Requirements 

To be eligible as a Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT) through the Yoga Alliance, you must:

  • Already be registered as a yoga teacher through the Yoga Alliance as an RYT 200 or greater,completed prior to the commencement of the prenatal yoga teacher training.
  • Successfully complete Jennifer More’s Prenatal Yoga teacher training.
  • Provide 30 hours of teaching prenatal yoga after completing the training.
Jennifer More and her very helpful support staff.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
A Student demonstrating half moon pose with the pregnancy belly. The pregnancy belly is used to help simulate the size and weight of a third trimester pregnant woman. This helps us demonstrate and practice prenatal modifications.
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Stay in touch with The Dolphin Method and Jennifer More

Thank you so much for visiting the Dolphin Method website. We hope you will consider signing up for our mailing list. From time to time we send out information about our Prenatal Yoga Teacher Trainings, Womens Yoga Workshops, and Doula Trainings as well as information about our videos, books, and other products to help you have the best birth you can have or assist others with their pregnancies and births.

Thank you, Jennifer

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