Ocean Relaxation MP3 – 45 Minute


This relaxation brings the listener to a beautiful beach and allows her to float in a pool of water. This relaxation is a perfect accompanyment to a midday nap as it takes the place of a couple of hours of sleep. It is best not to do this or other relaxations first thing in the morning or right before bed, instead use it to recharge after a long day at work or home, or a midday nap.

These recordings SHOULD NOT be listened to while driving or participating in any activity that requires your full attention.

SKU: HYP-Ocean45 Categories: ,


This relaxation brings the listener to a beautiful beach and allows her to float in a pool of water. This relaxation is a perfect accompanyment to a midday nap as it takes the place of a couple of hours of sleep. It is best not to do this or other relaxations first thing in the morning or right before bed, instead use it to recharge after a long day at work or home, or a midday nap.

These recordings SHOULD NOT be listened to while driving or participating in any activity that requires your full attention.


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