9.5 day Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (Yoga Alliance RPYT) with Jennifer More
Date: November 14-23, 2019 (9.5 days)
Location: Shenzhen, China
Cost: Register before October 14, ¥8900 • Register after October 14, ¥9400
第五期:2019年11月14日-11月23日( 9.5天 )
课程费用:¥9400,提前一个月报名 ¥8900
陈 哲: 188 7150 8348 (可加微信)
小 云: 177 7154 7628 (可加微信)
小 玉: 132 6913 8081 (可加微信)
小 萍: 187 0112 0611 (可加微信)
浩 浩: 153 1393 9919 (可加微信)
悦 悦: 187 0112 0677 (可加微信)
小 雪: 187 0112 0622 (可加微信)
淑 宁: 188 1001 8454 (可加微信)
建 新: 157 0136 3463 (可加微信)
黄 辉: 173 7166 0238 (可加微信)
秀 秀: 189 6462 1933 (可加微信)
1、请联系招生部客服报名,需交定金500元,确定此课程。(备注:定金不退。 如果因身体不适,意外突发情况及其他不可抗拒因素无法参加此培训 ,出示证明后经过申请定金可保留一次,延期参加同性质的下期培训,不接受退款 ,定金保留有效期一年。需保留定金者请在开课前15个工作日与客服老师联系,临时取消课程,定金作废。请悉知!)
A Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training allows you to expand your career options while guiding pregnant women through the journey of pregnancy, and preparing them physically for the powerful transition of childbirth.
I am so grateful to have the opportunity to meet and teach people from such diverse backgrounds and locations. Each prenatal yoga teacher training is a unique opportunity for me to expand my knowledge of birth around the country and around the world and connect with amazing people along the way.
I am aware of how beautiful and magical birth can be and strive to bring that knowledge to prenatal yoga teachers everywhere so that we may impact the lives of women, babies and families for many years to come.
Namaste, Jennifer More
Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training
For Yoga teachers
This course is intended to teach Yoga instructors* to safely guide their pregnant students through all three trimesters of a healthy and active prenatal yoga class, as well as address the needs of the postnatal student. Teachers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the unique needs of their pregnant and postnatal yoga practitioners.
Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training and Certification
Every student who successfully completes this Prenatal Yoga training will be awarded a certificate documenting that they have completed the strict yoga and childbirth education requirements and are eligible to teach Prenatal Yoga.
Yoga Alliance Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training RPYT
All current Yoga Alliance members who complete the 85 hour training are eligible for the RPYT (Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher) designation from the Yoga Alliance. See Yoga Alliance requirements.
Experience and Expertise
Jennifer More has been teaching yoga for 19 years and has attended over 450 births, totaling more than 10,000 hours assisting women in childbirth, as a doula. Jennifer’s DVD, Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga is currently the best selling and highest rated Prenatal Yoga DVD on Amazon.com. In addition, she is a certified clinical and medical hypnotherapist, and a childbirth educator. It is with this breadth of experience that she has created a unique and powerful prenatal yoga teacher training program. Jennifer has witnessed the powerful impact that Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga can have on a pregnant woman’s health, well-being, confidence and postpartum recovery.
Safe and Effective Prenatal Yoga Practice and Prenatal Teacher Training
In her Prenatal Yoga teacher trainings, Jennifer adapts Vinyasa Yoga for the needs of pregnant women, providing a system that works with the pregnant body without sacrificing the intensity that you need to prepare for childbirth. This unique approach to prenatal yoga gives pregnant women the opportunity to safely remain active and challenged in their vinyasa practice. The strengthening that occurs in this Prenatal Yoga practice prepares the necessary muscles for labor and childbirth, often resulting in shorter labor, less pain, and fewer interventions, including a decrease in the need for Cesarean sections. Learning to link breath and movements in a constant flow greatly increases the ability for women to work with their bodies, increasing the likelihood of a more natural and joyous birth experience.
More than just Prenatal Yoga
This prenatal yoga teacher training is unique in that Jennifer’s vast childbirth experience gives her the ability to teach much more than just prenatal yoga. Jennifer integrates techniques to allow women to get in touch with their bodies and the sensations they feel. These techniques are immensely powerful in labor to help change the fearful negative perception many women have about birth. She trains teachers to help women find their strength and power while surrendering and focusing during yoga. Jennifer’s Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training, as highlighted in past student testimonies, is a powerful experience for the teachers themselves; some have even said the best training they have ever taken! While addressing the empowerment of prenatal women, it’s only logical that self-empowerment also happens throughout the group; many students undergo their own personal breakthroughs. Jennifer believes that Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga can be the catalyst for a positive and life changing experience of birth and beyond.
Support Your Community
Make a real difference in the quality of childbirth and pregnancy in your community. Students who complete this teacher training will be inspired and prepared to work with pregnant women and their families and guide them through a challenging, safe and effective prenatal yoga practice.
Support Yourself
In addition to learning how to teach prenatal yoga, many students join this course to learn about their own bodies and pregnancies. Most courses will have pregnant students enrolled. If your are planning to take this course while pregnant, please be aware of the following:
- In order to receive a certification, you must be present for the duration of the course. You do not need to participate in all of the activity, but you should be in the room observing.
- You must be responsible for your own well-being, and eat and rest as you need.
- Please make sure that you are under the care of a Doctor or other health care professional.
Prenatal Yoga in the United States and around the world
Jennifer More has taught this prenatal yoga teacher training in the United States, China, Dubai, Colombia, Australia, Peru, Bali, Mexico, France, and Germany. She researches the culture and realities of childbirth in each country she works in. This research allows her to customize each training to accommodate the differences each country offers. Students will benefit not only from her deep level of knowledge, but also her experience teaching students with diverse backgrounds, languages, and various teaching levels.
Comprehensive Course Materials
Each Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga teacher-training student is supplied with a well-researched and written 116-page manual available in English, French, Spanish, or Chinese, and a 2 DVD set of Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga. These materials will be a valuable resource in the time following the training.
This Comprehensive Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training includes:
Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga ~ Asana and Flow
- Prenatal variations and alternatives
- Teaching Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga
- Teaching Gentle Prenatal Yoga
- Poses that pregnant students should avoid
- Pregnancy precautions and warning signs
- Being responsible with your pregnant students
- Modifications for pregnant students attending regular flow yoga classes
- Different levels/different bodies
- Class sequencing
- Modifications for 3 trimesters of pregnancy
- Yoga for common pregnancy discomforts
- Psoas in motion
- Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic teaching
Intro to Childbirth Education
- Understanding the pregnant body
- Understanding prenatal procedures and complications that your students will be experiencing
- Stages and phases of labor
- Common pregnancy discomforts, health concerns, and precautions
- Warning signs of prenatal health issues
- Pregnancy exercise myths vs facts
- Keeping pregnant women safe and working with the medical community
Pregnancy Anatomy
- Understanding the pelvis and pelvic floor muscles as they relate to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum
- Fetal position variations
- How to achieve and maintain optimal baby positioning
- Muscle release techniques
- Labor Anatomy, understanding labor and childbirth
Prenatal Partner Yoga
- Prenatal partner yoga and adjustments
- Yoga and massage during Labor
- Beyond prenatal yoga asana ~ Relaxation techniques for childbirth
Postnatal Yoga
- Postnatal precautions
- Postnatal asana and flow
- Diastasis recti identification and treatment
- Yoga after cesarean birth or other medical interventions
- Teaching mixed pre and postnatal classes
* For those in the childbirth field (Doulas**, Midwives, etc) who would like to attend this training, please feel free to join in the class and be advised of the following:
- This course is designed for people who are already certified yoga teachers, and therefore posses knowledge of yoga poses and yoga philosophy.
- There will not be extra time spent teaching basic poses. It is assumed that students will already possess this knowledge.
- Non yoga teachers will not be certified to teach prenatal yoga. You will, however, receive a certificate indicating that you have completed this training course.
With the above caveats stated, we welcome your presence in our class, as there is much valuable information to be gained, and your insights as a childbirth professional will benefit our group experience. Thank you for your understanding, and we are happy to have you as part of our group.
** Doula – A doula is a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous informational, physical and emotional support to pregnant women and their families/partners before and throughout the birthing process. A doula also typically meets with expectant families a few times prior to the birth, offering information and assessing their individual needs and desires to have the birth experience that they choose.
Student Testimonials
Taking the prenatal vinyasa yoga teacher training was one of the biggest gifts I could have given myself. While I did this training to gain more knowledge for a job I had recently taken teaching yoga to pregnant teens, the sacred circle of learning and sharing that Jennifer created during this training was so rich it felt like a milestone of transformation in my life. To gain the sisterhood of women from such diverse backgrounds coming together to help support women during pregnancy was truly magical. As I have begun offering prenatal yoga in my practice, it has been such a rewarding experience with deep lasting connections in my community. Thank you Jennifer!
I cannot say enough good things about my 85 hour Prenatal Vinyasa Training with Jennifer More. I now have a [much healthier] perspective on pregnancy, birth, and most importantly, myself. Jennifer is extremely caring and is able to connect with students. I really appreciate how research and evidence based her teachings are. Everything she teaches has years and years of research behind it. I feel confident that I can go out and teach pregnant women a vinyasa style class with ease. Thank you, Jennifer. Your training has forever changed my teachings, my perspective, my life!
Dear Jennifer, I just want to thank you for this past week. The training was absolutely fantastic and I got so much out of…much more than I expected. You are such an inspiration and your passion and enthusiam is so contagious. I am really excited to help share all of this knowledge and to learn so much more about the whole prenatal yoga world. Thank you, thank you and thank you again, and also thank you to your beautiful sister, Liz. You are both so wonderful and I hope to see you again.
I very much enjoyed the training. Jennifer was very knowledgeable and great at balancing out lectures with the actual practices; also wildly entertaining and funny. It helped keep me interested and excited for what was next.
…very knowledgeable, experienced, and had answers to almost everything and found the answers she did not know.
…Super knowledgeable, great instructor, great resources and manual and great exercises. I learned so much not only to help students, but for myself. I’m really glad I did not miss this experience
Fantastic! Something all yoga instructors should do/experience. I’ll highly recommend your course, website and DVDs to students, instructors and moms.
I Just wanted to thank you again for a truly amazing teacher training experience. I never imagined how enlightening, empowering and transformational the training would be. So exciting to have been shared this gift!
I love the way Jennifer teaches, I feel honored to have had the opportunity to take this training.
I was actually really impressed! When I signed up for the course, I was super excited, but thought it was going to be entirely focused on yoga and variation of the poses, etc…suddenly the course begun and I found myself learning a BUNCH of things about pregnancy, labor, birth and post-natal stuff! I learnt things I didn’t actually think I’d be learning until I was pregnant myself, and it was beautiful and amazing!
The amount of information that Jennifer gave us was unbelievable, and the way in which she conveyed all that info was fantastic. The passion that she has for what she does really shines through in every little thing she teaches. It was fantastic and I feel really blessed to have had Jennifer as my teacher…and as an inspiration! I actually asked my boyfriend if we could move to California when we’re married and pregnant with our first child, just so Jennifer can be our doula :P!
This was one of those choices that I know I will NEVER regret.
I really enjoyed taking Jennifer’s course, she really inspires me, her style, her voice during savasana, and the quality of information she gave us.
Thank you for these 4 beautiful days!! i felt myself full of love and i begin to share all the things I learned with my friends. it is just amazing!!! for me it was dream and you did that it is now a realty!!!! thank you!!
RPYS Reviews
This is an excellent Prenatal yoga training. I had a great time and they teacher, Jennifer Moore, was amazing. I felt well prepared to teach prenatal yoga after graduation.
Joyce Hsu
Jennifer More and supporting team offer a unique prenatal yoga teacher training given her supporting backgrounds in the field of doula work and clinical hypnosis. She has an unmatched knowledge of pregnant women’s physical, emotional and spiritual transitions during pregnancy, labor and childbirth. That knowledge is invaluable to what she teaches and how she trains prenatal yoga teachers.
Jessica De Los Rios
This training with Jennifer More is of a very high standard and it has exceeded my expectations. The curriculum was very well put together and presented wonderfully. It was great to have an opportunity to combine theory and practice within this training. Jennifer created a welcoming and safe environment for learning and sharing and has inspired me to not only continue teaching prenatal yoga, but also to keep deepening my understanding of pre- and post-natal processes and to become a doula in the future. I have gained a lot of confidence in my prenatal teaching and lots of knowledge and practical tips to share with my students. I would strongly recommend this training to anyone planning to become a prenatal yoga teacher.
Katya Mourits
I really appreciated Jennifer’s impeccable attention to detail and the very detailed explanations she shared. The integrity of the class and what I learned was far beyond my expectations as a certified labor and birth doula. Jennifer is deeply knowledgable and has a natural talent for conveying what she wants the student to grasp making the training a deep learning experience. She was professional, thoughtful and helpful. Her teaching methods for practice teaching were highly valuable- everytime a student taught and we discussed as a group I learned something new. This is an inspiring, impeccable, deeply valuable Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training. If you have only one training to complete in this lifetime, this is the one!
Julia Piazza
I loved this program it taught me more than I thought I would learn! It exceeds expectations and you will walk away with complete confidence in how to teach a safe and effective Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga class!
Leah Hansen
I was so impressed with the scope of information taught in this training. Jennifer More has much passion for teaching teachers and it is clear that she has a high level of integrity with this material and wants to create a community of like-minded teachers to offer these teachings to the pre-natal yoga community. I feel so grateful to have come upon this training and already have recommended her to others.
Jennifer Heminger
I was very impressed by the training. I am so happy I signed up for this training with this teacher. I learned a lot and was inspired!
Whitney Blumenfeld Rubin
It was a great experience studying with Jennifer. I did not want the training to finish, every single day was full of helpful information. The instructor provided us with a bunch of tools to look for information. I have used lots of them for my prenatal yoga classes. I would take any training with Jennifer again in the future.
Adriana Zamora-Asis
This was a great training, Jennifer More is passionate and very knowledgable.
Janice O’Callaghan
It was wonderful and I learned a lot
Maleese Warner
This Prenatal Vinyasa Training is amazing. Jenifer is extremely experienced and knowledgeable. We had a wonderful, small group of trainees which helped with questions being asked and answered. I would definitely recommend this training to anyone interested. Thank you.
Angela Merriken
Jennifer More’s PreNatal vinyasa Yoga gets a 5 star ***** rating from me. Jennifer is approachable and mindful during her trainings and the information she delivers puts her training in the category of Therapeutic Prenatal Yoga!! I love her and her delivery!!
Jennifer More is the best PreNatal Yoga Teacher Trainer as she brings her Doula training and experience with her and has a complete and full understanding of Pregnancy, Birth and Post Partum issues.
Marie Bosin
This is a great program and I am happy that I took it. Has helped me in so many ways as an Instructor.
Candace Glass
Jennifer’s knowledge and impeccable teaching make this an invaluable training for anyone interested in Prenatal Yoga. I am a labor and birth doula and appreciated her attention to detail and deep knowledge of birth and prenatal yoga modifications.
Julia Piazza
Awesome teacher training. Thank you!
Sian Williams
The prenatal vinyasa teacher training was an amazing experience that left me feeling wonderfully confident in leading all levels of prenatal yoga.
Stacy Broussard
The most thorough and professional intensive prenatal training I’ve taken. Highly competent and amazing knowledge of pregnancy and yoga by Jennifer More who’s outstanding!!! You are truly being ‘dressed’ to teach !
Malene Bak Frederiksen
A great, comprehensive training!
Dani Glassman
This training has exceeded my expectations. I really have gained so much knowledge and walked out of the training feeling completely ready to teach pregnant ladies. Thank you so much for this amazing experience as it has changed my life and hopefully will able to do the same and to pregnant ladies I’m teaching.
Farah Ebrahim Al-Majed
Li Chen
This program was better than I could ever hope for! The classes were informative, inspiring, challenging and inclusive. I learned soo much and feel I can teach prenatal vinyasa immediately! I also know I have an incredible support system in place with Jennifer More, Jake More and our prenatal vinyasa community!
Suzanne Snyder

Namaste, Jennifer More
Jennifer More已经教授瑜伽22年之久,并且作为一名助产士,参加了超过450次的分娩,帮助妇女分娩超过1万小时。Jennifer More的DVD,产前流瑜伽是目前在亚马逊网站上最畅销以及评价最高的产前瑜伽DVD。除此此外,她还是一名认证临床和医学催眠治疗师、分娩教育家。凭借如此丰富的经验,她开创了一个独特且充满力量的产前瑜伽教师培训项目。Jennifer见证了产前流瑜伽对孕妇健康、安好、自信和产后修复的巨大影响。
Jennifer More在美国、中国、迪拜、哥伦比亚、澳大利亚、秘鲁、巴厘岛、墨西哥、法国和德国各个国家及地区教授这一产前瑜伽教师培训。她研究每一个她工作过的国家地区的分娩文化及现状。这些研究允许她根据不同国家的需求定制每一次课程。学生们不仅能够从她深厚的知识基础中获益,同时还能够从她在教授来自不同背景、不同语言、不同文化的学生中获得的丰富经验中获益。
- 孕期体式变体以及替代体式
- 教授孕期流瑜伽
- 教授轻柔产前瑜伽
- 怀孕学生应避免的体式
- 孕期注意事项及预警信号
- 对你的孕妇学生负责
- 适于怀孕学生在常规流瑜伽课程上的体式变体
- 不同的水平/不同的身体
- 课程编排
- 三个孕期的体式变体
- 适于常见孕期不适的瑜伽
- 腰肌运动
- 视觉、听觉以及动觉教学
- 了解孕妇的身体
- 了解你的学生将要经历的产前检查以及并发症
- 待产的不同阶段与步骤
- 常见孕期不适、健康问题以及预防措施
- 产前健康问题的预警信号
- 孕期练习谬见vs事实
- 确保孕妇安全,并与医疗界合作
- 了解骨盆及骨盆底肌,这些与运气、分娩以及产后修复息息相关。
- 了解不同的胎位
- 如何获得以及保持最佳胎位
- 肌肉放松术
- 分娩解剖学,了解待产以及分娩
- 产前双人瑜伽以及调整
- 待产中瑜伽及按摩术
- 超越产前瑜伽体式~分娩放松术
- 产后注意事项
- 产后体式及流动练习
- 腹直肌分离鉴定和修复
- 剖宫产或其他医疗干预后的瑜伽练习
- 教授产前和产后混合级别课程
- 这一课程是为已经是注册瑜伽教师的同学们设置的,所有她们拥有瑜伽体式和瑜伽哲学的知识储备
- 在课程上不会有额外的时间教授基础瑜伽体式。我们会认为学生们已经具备了这些知识。
- 非瑜伽老师不会被授予教授孕期瑜伽的认证。但你会获得证明你完成了这一培训课程的证书。
- 已通过瑜伽联盟注册为瑜伽教师,在产前瑜伽教师培训开始前已成为RYT 200或以上。
- 成功完成Jennifer More的产前瑜伽教师培训。
- 完成培训后,教授产前瑜伽或产前瑜伽教师培训课程中所涵盖的任何其他内容达到30小时。教学实践可为小组课或私教课程。
c:太棒了!所有的瑜伽教练都应该来参与和体验。我会向学员们,教练们和妈妈们强烈推荐你的课程, 网站和DVD。我只是想再次感谢您,这是一个非常了不起的教练培训经历。我从来没有想到这个培训课程会如此富有启发,赋予力量和变革。很兴奋可以和您一起分享!
Will this course be conducted in English?
The course is taught in English and translated to Mandarin. We have English speakers attend many of our trainings in China. This works just fine for them. We can provide you with an English manual.
I am a physiotherapist and a Vinyasa yoga instructor and I work in the area of pregnancy and postpartum. I am very interested in doing your prenatal yoga teacher training. Do you have a date to do it in Latin America?
I’m interested in prenatal teacher training which start on 14th. Where should i call if i want to speak english?
Hi Emma – I sent you an email.
If you did not receive it, please contact me at info@prenatalvinyasayoga.com for the details you want. Thank you, Jake