85 hrs  / 10 days, Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training (Yoga Alliance RPYT) with Jennifer More.

June 14-23, 2024

Casa Luz
Monterrey, Mexico

Costo por muy pronto pago 17,999 pesos, hasta el 5 de marzo.

Costo por pronto pago 19,999 pesos del 6 de marzo al 5 de mayo.

Precio regular 21,999 pesos.

Registration Info –
Contact Casa Luz:


+52 1 81 2294 0934

@alechapa00 @casaluzmty


Course taught in English with Spanish translation. Spanish or English manual is available.


Training begins in:








Certificación de Yoga Prenatal

Tenemos por fin en Monterrey, a la magistral Jennifer More para brindarnos una certificación internacional de yoga prenatal con su método The Dolphin Method.
Jennifer More ha capacitado a tantas generaciones de profesores de yoga prenatal quienes a su vez también enseñan a nuevos acompañantes de la gestación con la finalidad compartida de que la práctica sea realmente beneficiosa para la mujer gestante y su bebe, apoyándola hacia una de sus experiencias mas trascendentales.
En este entrenamiento de yoga prenatal explorarás los poderosos beneficios de practicar yoga durante el embarazo. Jennifer cubrirá las precauciones específicas que las mujeres embarazadas deben tomar mientras practican yoga y explicará las mejores posturas que se pueden practicar todos los días, también conocerás la fórmula exclusiva del Método Dolphin para evaluar las diferentes posturas de yoga prenatal en las practicantes.
Además obtendrás conocimiento sobre diversos temas como:
  • El enfoque en la pelvis femenina y el suelo pélvico
  • El papel de la fascia y el tejido conectivo en la enseñanza del yoga prenatal
  • Comprender la diástasis de los rectos
  • Yoga posparto desde el primer día hasta el primer año después del nacimiento
  • Usar el yoga para ayudar a aumentar la comodidad y disminuir el dolor durante el embarazo
  • Preparar la mente y el cuerpo para el trabajo de parto y el nacimiento
  • Usar el yoga para ayudar a lograr y mantener una posición fetal óptima
  • Dar vuelta a los bebés usando el movimiento y la meditación
  • ¡Mucho más!
Esta formación permitirá ampliar sus opciones de trabajo por lo que es ideal para:
-Para profesores de yoga
Este curso enseñará a instructores de yoga principiantes y experimentados a trabajar con las necesidades únicas de las poblaciones embarazadas y posparto. Esta capacitación integral para maestros está diseñada para inspirar confianza y competencia más allá de su capacitación prenatal promedio, lo que permite a los maestros encontrar una carrera profesional completamente nueva o aumentar las habilidades de un maestro prenatal existente.
-Para profesionales del parto
Este curso enseñará a los profesionales del parto como doulas, parteras, obstetras, enfermeras obstétricas etc, los fundamentos del movimiento seguro durante el embarazo, el trabajo de parto y el posparto para que puedan trabajar con las mujeres que acompañan para promover el bienestar y los mejores resultados posibles en el parto.
-Para practicantes embarazadas
Las practicantes de yoga prenatal tienen mucho que ganar con un curso dedicado a la anatomía del embarazo, el movimiento modificado y las técnicas posnatales. La vasta experiencia de Jennifer asegurará que reciba la mejor atención durante este curso.
Todos los estudiantes que completen con éxito esta capacitación de yoga prenatal recibirán un certificado que documentará que han completado los estrictos requisitos de educación de yoga y preparación para el parto de Dolphin Method School. Además, los miembros actuales de Yoga Alliance que completen la formación de 85 horas son elegibles para la designación RPYT (profesor de yoga prenatal registrado) de Yoga Alliance. (Consulte los requisitos de Yoga Alliance).
-Jennifer More ha estado enseñando yoga durante 27 años y ha atendido más de 500 partos, con un total de más de 10,000 horas ayudando a mujeres en el parto como doula.
-Es la autora de los dos discos magnéticos de yoga prenatal mas vendidos, además de uno de yoga Vinyasa posnatal y de un libro sobre el embarazo.
-Es hipnoterapeuta clínica y médica certificada y educadora de parto.
-Muchas de las técnicas que utilizan actualmente los instructores de yoga prenatal son el resultado directo de los muchos años de investigación y práctica de Jennifer al crearlas y compartirlas en todo el mundo.
Forma profesores para una práctica segura y eficaz de yoga prenatal adaptando Vinyasa Yoga a las necesidades del embarazo, proporcionando un sistema que trabaja con el cuerpo embarazado sin sacrificar la intensidad, necesaria para la preparación al parto.
Este enfoque del yoga prenatal brinda a las mujeres embarazadas la oportunidad de permanecer activas y desafiadas de manera segura en su práctica de vinyasa. El fortalecimiento que se produce en esta práctica de yoga prenatal prepara los músculos necesarios para el trabajo de parto y el alumbramiento, lo que a menudo resulta en un trabajo de parto más corto, menos dolor y menos intervenciones, incluida una disminución en la necesidad de un parto por cesárea.
Aprende a vincular la respiración y los movimientos en un flujo constante aumentando en gran medida la capacidad de las mujeres para trabajar con sus cuerpos, lo que aumenta la probabilidad de una experiencia de parto más natural y feliz. Más que solo yoga prenatal, esta certificación también integra los conocimientos especializados de hipnoterapia permitiendo que las mujeres entren en contacto con sus cuerpos y las sensaciones que sienten, técnicas que son inmensamente poderosas para ayudar a cambiar la temerosa percepción negativa que muchas mujeres tienen sobre el parto. Este entrenamiento enseñara a guías del parto en ayudar a las mujeres a encontrar su fuerza y poder mientras se entregan y se concentran.
Contaras con material didáctico para el entrenamiento ademas de acceso ilimitado a la biblioteca virtual de Jennifer por tres meses, mas bibliografía.
El entrenamiento se llevara a cabo en el lugar de bienestar y salud mas consciente de la región, Centro Amayal, inspiración para la alimentación, los hábitos y la medicina alternativa mas funcionales en San Pedro Garza García.
Del 25 de agosto al 4 de septiembre con descanso el 30 de agosto.
Horario de 9 a 5 pm con hora de comida. Puedes comer en Amayal, fuera o traer tu propia comida.

Learn to teach Prenatal Yoga, and guide pregnant women through the journey of pregnancy, while preparing them physically and mentally for the powerful transition of childbirth and motherhood.

For Yoga teachers

This course is intended to teach Yoga instructors* to safely guide their pregnant students through all three trimesters of a healthy and active prenatal yoga class, as well as address the needs of the postnatal student. Teachers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the unique needs of their pregnant and postnatal yoga practitioners.

Prenatal Yoga Teacher Certification

Every student who successfully completes this Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga training will be awarded a certificate documenting that they have completed the strict yoga and childbirth education requirements and are eligible to teach Prenatal Yoga***.

Yoga Alliance

All current Yoga Alliance members who complete this training are eligible for the RPYT (Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher) designation from the Yoga Alliance.
See below for Yoga Alliance requirements

Experience and Expertise

Jennifer More has been teaching yoga since 1995 and has attended over 500 births, totaling more than 10,000 hours assisting women in childbirth, as a doula. Jennifer’s DVD, Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga is currently the best selling and highest rated Prenatal Yoga DVD in The United States. In addition, she is a certified clinical hypnotherapist, and a childbirth educator.It is with this breadth of experience that she has created a unique and powerful prenatal yoga teacher training. Jennifer has witnessed the powerful impact that Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga can have on a pregnant woman’s health, well-being, confidence and postpartum recovery.

Safe and Effective Yoga Practice and Teacher Training

In her Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga trainings, Jennifer adapts Vinyasa Yoga for the needs of pregnant women, providing a system that works with the pregnant body without sacrificing the intensity that you need to prepare for childbirth. This unique approach to prenatal yoga gives pregnant women the opportunity to safely remain active and challenged in their vinyasa practice. The strengthening that occurs in this Prenatal Yoga practice prepares the necessary muscles for labor and childbirth, often resulting in shorter labor, less pain, and fewer interventions, including a decrease in the need for Cesarean sections. Learning to link breath and movements in a constant flow greatly increases the ability for women to work with their bodies, increasing the likelihood of a more natural and joyous birth experience.

More than just Prenatal Yoga

This prenatal yoga teacher training is unique in that Jennifer’s vast childbirth experience gives her the ability to teach much more than just prenatal yoga. Jennifer integrates techniques to allow women to get in touch with their bodies and the sensations they feel. These techniques are immensely powerful in labor to help change the fearful negative perception many women have about birth. She trains teachers to help women find their strength and power while surrendering and focusing during yoga. Jennifer’s Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training, as highlighted in past student testimonies, is a powerful experience for the teachers themselves; some have even said the best training they have ever taken! While addressing the empowerment of prenatal women, it’s only logical that self-empowerment also happens throughout the group; many students undergo their own personal breakthroughs. Jennifer believes that Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga can be the catalyst for a positive and life changing experience of birth and beyond.

Support Your Community

Make a real difference in the quality of childbirth and pregnancy in your community. Students who complete this teacher training will be inspired and prepared to work with pregnant women and their families and guide them through a challenging, safe and effective prenatal yoga practice.

Support Yourself

In addition to learning how to teach prenatal yoga, many students join this course to learn about their own bodies and pregnancies. Most courses will have pregnant students enrolled. If your are planning to take this course while pregnant, please be aware of the following:

  • In order to receive a certification, you must be present for the duration of the course. You do not need to participate in all of the activity, but you should be in the room observing.
  • You must be responsible for your own well-being, and eat and rest as you need.
  • Please make sure that you are under the care of a Doctor or other health care professional.

Comprehensive course materials

Each prenatal yoga teacher training student will receive a 160-page manual, which has been carefully researched and written by  Jennifer, and is available in Spanish or English.

Well Rounded Prenatal Yoga Education

Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga ~ Asana and Flow

  • Prenatal variations and alternatives
  • Teaching Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga
  • Teaching Gentle Prenatal Yoga
  • Poses that pregnant students should avoid
  • Pregnancy precautions and warning signs
  • Being responsible with your pregnant students
  • Modifications for pregnant students attending regular flow yoga classes
  • Different levels/different bodies
  • Class sequencing
  • Modifications for each of the 3 trimesters
  • Yoga for common pregnancy discomforts
  • Psoas in motion
  • Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic teaching

Intro to Childbirth Education

  • Understanding the pregnant body
  • Understanding prenatal procedures and complications that your students will be experiencing
  • Stages and phases of labor
  • Common pregnancy discomforts, health concerns, and precautions
  • Warning signs of prenatal health issues
  • Pregnancy exercise myths vs facts
  • Keeping pregnant women safe and working with the medical community


  • Understanding the pelvis and pelvic floor muscles as they relate to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum
  • Fetal position variations
  • How to achieve and maintain optimal baby positioning
  • Muscle release techniques
  • Labor Anatomy, understanding labor and childbirth

Partner Yoga

  • Prenatal partner yoga and adjustments
  • Yoga and massage during Labor
  • Beyond prenatal yoga asana ~ Relaxation techniques for childbirth

Postnatal Yoga

  • Postnatal precautions
  • Postnatal asana and flow
  • Diastasis recti identification and treatment
  • Yoga after cesarean birth or other medical interventions
  • Teaching mixed pre and postnatal classes

Yoga Alliance Requirements 

To be eligible as a Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT) through the Yoga Alliance, you must:

  • Already be registered as a yoga teacher through the Yoga Alliance as an RYT 200 or greater, completed prior to the commencement of the prenatal yoga teacher training.
  • Successfully complete Jennifer More’s Prenatal Yoga teacher training.
  • Provide 30 hours of teaching prenatal yoga after completing the training.

* For those in the childbirth field (Doulas**, Midwives, etc) who would like to attend this training, please feel free to join in the class and be advised of the following:

  • This course is designed for people who are already certified yoga teachers, and therefore posses knowledge of yoga poses and yoga philosophy.
  • There will not be extra time spent teaching basic poses. It is assumed that students will already possess this knowledge.
  • Non yoga teachers will not be certified to teach prenatal yoga. You will, however, receive a certificate indicating that you have completed this training course.

With the above caveats stated, we welcome your presence in our class, as there is much valuable information to be gained, and your insights as a childbirth professional will benefit our group experience. Thank you for your understanding, and we are happy to have you as part of our group.

** Doula – A doula is a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous informational, physical and emotional support to pregnant women and their families/partners before and throughout the birthing process. A doula also typically meets with expectant families a few times prior to the birth, offering information and assessing their individual needs and desires to have the birth experience that they choose.

*** Must already be a yoga teacher with the equivalent of a 200 hour teacher training from any organization.

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Stay in touch with The Dolphin Method and Jennifer More

Thank you so much for visiting the Dolphin Method website. We hope you will consider signing up for our mailing list. From time to time we send out information about our Prenatal Yoga Teacher Trainings, Womens Yoga Workshops, and Doula Trainings as well as information about our videos, books, and other products to help you have the best birth you can have or assist others with their pregnancies and births.

Thank you, Jennifer

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