Doula Training by Jennifer More
Jennifer More 导乐师培训


June 23 – 27, 2016


Fine Yoga, Beijing CBD
培训地点: 北京CBD地区


Full workshop 5 days¥5250
5天工作坊全价 5250

Registration Info:

A certificate will be provided upon course completion.

This course is limited to maximum 25 participants.

Deposit required ¥750
定金 750

Please call 139 1176 7529 / 010 8599 9566 to sign up, or email:
报名请致电13911209563或010 85999566,或电子邮件至

Training begins in:








We are very pleased to offer our unique Dolphin Method™ doula training for those seeking education and skills to share as labor support for friends, family, or as an in depth look into your own birth experience.


The information, experience and wisdom shared in this training has been developed and refined over 15 years and more than 1000 births; with amazing and powerful results. We look forward to sharing the fruits of this labor with you.


The training covers:


The Dolphin Method basic doula training will give you all of the tools necessary for you to work with women and partner’s before during and directly following childbirth. You will have the information, confidence and knowledge to assess the needs of the expectant mama and feel comfortable in knowing that you have the skills to make her birth experience better and more comfortable.

这次海豚法基础导乐师培训, 会给你所有必要的工具和方法,使你可以在产妇的分娩前,中,后这三个时期帮助到她和她的家人。你会有足够的信息,自信和知识去了解评估产妇的需求,使她相信你有足够的能力和技巧帮助她有更舒适更美好的分娩经历。

The labor support training includes:


  • Techniques for helping women through every stage of labor
  • 在产程不同阶段帮助产妇的方法和技巧
  • How to engage with the staff at hospitals & birth centers
  • 如何和医院/分娩中心的工作人员合作
  • Helping the expectant mother understand their options
  • 帮助产妇了解她们可以有的不同的选择
  • How to engage emotionally with the expectant mothers
  • 帮助产妇在产程中的情绪
  • Labor positions and techniques
  • 分娩体位和技巧
  • Psychology for labor support
  • 分娩支持中的心理学
  • Basic massage techniques for labor
  • 生产过程中的按摩技巧
  • Alternative birthing styles and situations
  • 不同的分娩方式和情景

Basic Childbirth Education


This section of our training will teach you about the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy and birth, the signs and stages of labor, what to expect at the hospital, and medical interventions used at the hospital.


Hypnosis (Meditation and Relaxation) for childbirth


This is the cornerstone of our Dolphin Doula Method, and when utilized, is an extremely effective technique for assisting pregnant women at all stages of pregnancy and labor. Hypnosis for Childbirth helps the pregnant woman adjust mentally and physically to the dramatic changes happening to her body and life. By practicing deep relaxation through self-hypnosis, the expectant mother:

这是海豚法的基石部分, 如果能够正确运用,将是最有效的在产程各个阶段帮助产妇的方法。催眠法帮助产妇从身体上精神上调整,以应对她的身体和生活中的巨变 通过自我催眠来到深度放松状态,可以使得产妇:

  • Strengthens her bond with baby, which helps facilitate parent-infant attachment after birth
  • 加深妈妈和宝宝之间的连接,这会帮助到分娩后妈妈和宝宝的关系
  • Manages her anxiety around the labor and birth process
  • 管理产妇分娩前后的焦虑情绪
  • Accesses her individual and unique source of strength and calm
  • 帮助她找到自己的力量和平静
  • Reframes the pain associated with pregnancy and childbirth and reinforces positive sensations
  • 重新定义孕期和分娩中的疼痛的感觉,帮助她更多找到正面的感觉。



  • What is a doula?
  • 什么是导乐师?
  • Why take the Dolphin Method™ Doula Training?
  • 为什么要参加海豚法导乐师的培训?



What is a doula? Traditionally, they are people who provide informational, emotional, and physical support to women before, during and after childbirth. A doula stays by the woman’s side throughout her birthing experience, she coaches the birthing woman and partner through this life changing process of childbirth, helping her feel safe and informed as she moves into motherhood.

什么是导乐师? 传统上,导乐师是在产前,产中,产后不同阶段提供给产妇信息上,精神上和生理上支持帮助的人。 导乐师会陪伴产妇的整个产程, 她指导产妇和家人度过分娩这一改变他们人生的过程,帮助产妇感觉安全,并准备好进入新妈妈阶段。

Why take the Dolphin Method™ Training?
The Dolphin Doula Method training course includes training in hypnosis preparation for pregnant women or couples prior to the birth, the use of hypnosis during birth, as well as full labor support. It not only includes the imparting of knowledge of practical techniques for pain management, but also provides extensive knowledge of the birthing process itself.


  • 为什么要参加海豚法导乐师的培训? 海豚法导乐师的培训包括通过催眠的方法帮助产妇以及家人在产前,产中为分娩做全面的准备和支持。这不仅仅包括用知识和技巧来管理疼痛,同时也会包括整个产程中的大量有关知识和信息。
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Thank you, Jennifer

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