
San Mateo, CA, USA

Languages Spoken:

  • English


  • Birth Doula
  • Prenatal Yoga






Michelle Sioson Hyman


Michelle is passionate about supporting women throughout their pregnancies and birth experiences. She believes that every birth experience is enhanced when women (and their partners) have the information they need for making knowledgeable choices and informed decisions, and that this strong foundation helps form the types of bonded, nurturing relationships that play an important role in promoting children’s early brain development. Her path into the world of providing prenatal and labor support began with her own pregnancies and the positive impacts she found when she began taking prenatal vinyasa yoga classes with Jennifer Wolfe More. She found that the movements and postures she learned helped calm her mind and spirit, and that they also provided her with practical tools that played an important role in her positive birth experiences. Inspired by this, Michelle trained as a prenatal vinyasa yoga teacher and a birth doula with the Dolphin Method. Today Michelle is a certified birth doula, a certified flow yoga teacher, as well as a certified prenatal vinyasa yoga teacher. She also holds a masters degree in public health from Yale University and she has worked for over a decade in the philanthropic world focusing on early learning and education initiatives. When not attending births and practicing yoga, Michelle loves to rock climb, travel and is on a perpetual quest to find the best bakery ever. She is eternally grateful for her husband, daughter and son for their ongoing support and their amazing ability to make her laugh every single day.

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